What amount of almonds can be eaten

Eating almonds controls blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels, relieves constipation, eliminates respiratory problems and anemia.

What amount of almonds can be eaten?
It is also considered best for gray hair, skin and dental care, but do you know how much of its daily health benefits?
 Almonds are very easy to make as part of your diet, and consuming 45 grams daily is enough to lower harmful cholesterol levels and keep blood vessels healthy on a long-term basis.

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 This amount of almonds gives the body 6 grams of protein, 3.5 grams of fiber, 75 mg of calcium, 13 grams of monounsaturated and poly-saturated fatty acids, which are useful fats for heart health, reducing the risk of heart disease by lowering cholesterol levels.  Reduces
 A daily dose of 28 grams (22 to 23) of almond water is safe for a person, according to a study by the US Department of Agricultural and US Food and Drug Administration.
 Another study reported that almonds give the stomach a feeling of being full for longer, which makes it easier to quit using harmful substances, meaning that it can make it easier to control body weight.

 Eating almonds gives the body energy and makes it easier to stay active for the rest of the day's activities, while vitamin E, calcium, beneficial fats, dietary fiber and protein help maintain good health.
 A study published in the Medical Journal of the American Heart Association found that eating almonds helps reduce the blood sugar levels, namely cholesterol levels and fat loss.
 A recent study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition revealed that people who eat 43 grams of almonds daily, often lose appetite while gaining vitamin E and beneficial fats without increasing their body weight.  Helps
 However, daily consumption of almonds in large quantities can also lead to increased body weight.
 Note: This article is for general information only.  Readers should also consult your physician in this regard.


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